Fréchet inception distance (FID) score: lower is better
DALL-E 3, openAI 2023
Stable Diffusion 3, Stability 2024
Diffusion transformer architecture, but with separate MLPs for text and image embeddings, but feeding into same attn. Reminiscent of MoEs (no routing).
Uses “flow matching” new general approach
Rectified flow for straight paths
Start from ODE
They formulate all other design points within the same framework
Fortunately it’s also one of the simpler models, compared to EDM (Karras) and cosine (Nichol) and log-normal and uniform (actually this is the simplest)
Classic flows are curvy, need to take more steps than if the path was straighter:
Trained on ImageNet, CC12M. Recaptioned with CogVLM. Deduped with faiss.
Autoencoder increased hidden dimensions—important since it’s an upper bound on how good your generated images are
Pretrain on low res, fine tune on high res, same as in SD2
Pretrain → fine tune → DPO on 128 captions from Partiprompt (simple but realistic captions → high-quality images)
Comprehensive paper did grid search over design space
Diffusion Transformers (DiT) 2023
ControlNet, 2023
Train with pair data, e.g. edges, depth maps, normal maps, p ose, style, etc.
Can thus choose different sampling steps/skip steps
Also parameterizes the stochasticity (readded noise) with $\sigma$. $\eta$ is knob to control this: 0 means $\sigma=0$, 1 means $\sigma$ is its original DDPM value.
Code—notice how we parameterize the skip size:
def ddim_step(x_t, t, noise, abar_t, abar_t1, bbar_t, bbar_t1, eta):
vari = ((bbar_t1/bbar_t) * (1-abar_t/abar_t1))
sig = vari.sqrt()*eta
x_0_hat = ((x_t-bbar_t.sqrt()*noise) / abar_t.sqrt())
x_t = abar_t1.sqrt()*x_0_hat + (bbar_t1-sig**2).sqrt()*noise
if t>0: x_t += sig * torch.randn(x_t.shape).to(x_t)
return x_t
def sample(f, model, sz, n_steps, skips=1, eta=1.):
tsteps = list(reversed(range(0, n_steps, skips)))
x_t = torch.randn(sz).to(model.device)
preds = []
for i,t in enumerate(progress_bar(tsteps)):
abar_t1 = abar[tsteps[i+1]] if t > 0 else torch.tensor(1)
noise = model(x_t,t).sample
x_t = f(x_t, t, noise, abar[t], abar_t1, 1-abar[t], 1-abar_t1, eta)
return preds
Classifier free guidance
Issues with classifier guidance:
Train a joint model over labeled images as well as unlabeled—basically, randomly decide whether to train the current sample with or without label (all absorbed into the UNet)
Start with classifier guidance term, then you’re left with both conditional generator p(x|y) and unconditional p(x)—we’re training both in the model:
Incorporate both labeled and unlabeled noise predictions in the sampling process
Over sample timesteps, linearly interpolate away from unconditional to conditional on the class
Quantization: force the latent representation to use a codebook
Quantize latent space into closest (by say L2 norm) entry in learnable codebook (a certain set of vectors)—basically a set of fixed values.
Add way to do backprop. In Torch, how to ensure the gradient of the input is copied over:
UNet: just a popular CNN architecture with wide resnet
Google Imagen, 2022
Simpler architecture than DALL-E (2), scaled up the right way
Basically: you start with a frozen LLM (they use T5) rather than CLIP, so you’re not limited to training on image,text pairs. Feed the text encoding to a text-to-image diffusion model (UNet).
TODO is the text encoding a fixed-size embedding? So the first model is T5 adapted as an embedding model somehow?
Use memory efficient U-Net: more model params at low res where things are more semantically processed
Cascading DDPMs generate and super-res.
TODO something about using positional encoders in the timesteps, and also pooling the text encoding into the diffusion timesteps, and classifier free guidance with static/dynamic thresholding
Dall-E 2 aka unCLIP, OpenAI 2022
DALL-E, OpenAI 2021
Cascaded diffusion models, 2022
Stable Diffusion, Stability 2022